
Effects of High-Fat Diet on the Bone of Obesity Prone and Obesity Resistant Mice and the Intervention of Quercetin


中文关键词: 高脂日粮 肥胖易感 肥胖抵抗 骨性能 氧化还原状态

英文关键词: high-fat diet,obesity prone,obesity resistant,bone property,redox status





江南大学 食品学院江苏 无锡 214122


江南大学 食品学院江苏 无锡 214122


江南大学 食品学院江苏 无锡 214122


江南大学 食品学院江苏 无锡 214122


江南大学 食品学院江苏 无锡 214122

食品科学与技术国家重点实验室江南大学江苏 无锡 214122


江南大学 食品学院江苏 无锡 214122

食品科学与技术国家重点实验室江南大学江苏 无锡 214122

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探究饲喂高脂日粮对肥胖易感(obesity prone,OP)和肥胖抵抗(obesity resistant,OR)小鼠骨性能的影响及槲皮素在其中的干预作用。将小鼠随机分为正常日粮组(C)和高脂日粮组。7 w后,将高脂日粮组的小鼠按体质量分出OR组和OP组,并在OP组和OR组小鼠的高脂日粮中添加槲皮素进行干预,分别测定槲皮素添加前后各组小鼠的股骨性能参数、氧化还原状态以及成骨细胞和破骨细胞分化相关基因的表达。结果显示,高脂日粮显著降低OP和OR小鼠的骨性能,显著提高破骨细胞分化相关基因的表达,显著降低成骨细胞分化相关基因的表达,加入槲皮素后能得到恢复。与前面结果一致,高脂日粮显著降低OP和OR小鼠股骨的抗氧化指标以及相关基因的表达,显著升高股骨MDA质量摩尔浓度,加入槲皮素后均能得到恢复。因此高脂日粮导致肥胖易感和肥胖抵抗小鼠股骨氧化应激,可能影响成骨细胞和破骨细胞分化相关基因的表达降低骨性能,槲皮素可通过改善两种小鼠股骨的氧化还原状态提高骨性能。


To investigate the effects of high-fat diet(HFD) on the bone of obesity resistant(OR) and obesity prone(OP) mice and the intervention of quercetin. Mice were randomly divided into two groups:regular diet group(C) and HFD group. After 7 weeks,HFD-fed mice were devided into OP and OR group according to body weight and treated with quercetin. Femur parameters,redox status and expressions of osteoblast and osteoclast differentiation related genes were measured before and after quercetin treatment. The results showed that HFD treatment significantly decreased femur parameters of OP and OR mice. The expressions of osteoclast differentiation related genes were significantly up-regulated while the osteoblast differentiation related genes were down-regulated significantly in both OP and OR mice. Femur properties were improved after quercetin treatment. Consistent with the above mentioned,the content of MDA was higher,while the antioxidant indexes and the expression of antioxidant related genes were significantly lower in OP and OR mice. Redox status was improved after quercetin treatment. HFD treatment led to oxidative stress in femurs of OR and OP mice,may by affecting the expressions of osteoblast and osteoclast differentiation related genes,consequently reduced the femur properties. Quercetin can improve redox status,thereby improving femur properties of HFD-fed OP and OR mice.

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