
Community Structure of Cultivable Endophytes in Different Organs ofGentiana stramineaMaxim and Its Correlation with the Content of Gentiopicrin


中文关键词: 麻花秦艽 内生菌 龙胆苦苷 遗传多样性 相关性

英文关键词: Gentiana stramineaMaxim,endophytes,Gentiopicrin,genetic diversity,correlation





四川师范大学 生命科学学院四川 成都 610068


四川师范大学 生命科学学院四川 成都 610068

农田生态服务能力建设四川省高校工程中心四川 成都 610068


四川师范大学 生命科学学院四川 成都 610068


四川师范大学 生命科学学院四川 成都 610068

农田生态服务能力建设四川省高校工程中心四川 成都 610068

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为了明确四川麻花秦艽(Gentiana stramineaMaxim)内生菌的资源状况,本实验采用稀释涂布法并结合形态学观察及16S rDNA和ITS-rDNA序列分析的方法,对其根、茎、叶和花中的内生菌进行了分离、纯化和鉴定;并采用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)检测了不同组织部位龙胆苦苷的含量,分析了麻花秦艽可培养内生菌数量与龙胆苦苷含量的相关性。结果表明,麻花秦艽不同组织部位可培养内生菌数量和菌群结构存在一定的差异。其中,从根中得到的可培养内生细菌和真菌的数量均最高,分别为(8.77±0.71)×105 cfu/g和(2.00±1.05)×104 cfu/g。统计分析显示,麻花秦艽内生细菌和内生真菌的数量分别与其龙胆苦苷的含量成极显著正相关(PDuganellasp.)、QJ6(Rahnellasp.)、QJ10(Pseudomonassp.)及真菌QJ11(Aspergillussp.)和QJ13(Aspergillussp.),其数量均分别与龙胆苦苷的含量成极显著正相关(P


In order to study the resource of the endophyte fromGentiana stramineaMaxim in Sichuan,the cultivable endophyte in different organs ofGentiana stramineaMaxim(roots,stems,leaves and flowers) were isolated and identified by the dilution separation methods and the sequence analysis of 16 S rDNA and ITS-rDNA. Then the content of gentiopicrin in each organ was determined by high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC) and its correlation with the abundance of cultivable endophytes was analyzed. The results showed that 13 strains of cultivable endophytes were separated fromGentiana stramineaMaxim as a whole,which belong to 3 phyla,6 classes,8 orders,9 families and 10 genera,and among them,ten strains were bacteria and three were fungi. Meanwhile,there were differences of the quantity and microbial population of the cultivable endophytic bacteria and fungi in different organ or position ofGentiana stramineaMaxim. The maximum quantity of endophytic bacteria and fungi were(8.77±0.71)×105 cfu/g and(2.00±1.05)×104 cfu/g respectively and both in the roots ofGentiana stramineaMaxim.. Statistical analysis showed that correlations between the content of gentiopicrin and the quantity of cultivable endophytic bacteria and fungi,respectively,were extremely significantly positive(PDuganellasp.),bacteria QJ6(Rahnellasp.),bacteria QJ10(Pseudomonassp.) fungi QJ11(Aspergillussp.) and fungi QJ13(Aspergillus sp.),was extremely,significantly and positively related with the content of gentiopicrin,respectively(PGentiana stramineaMaxim. All the results will serve as the foundation of development and utilization of endophytes in Gentiana straminea Maxim.

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